Sunday 5 January 2014

My influences for this project

A belated Happy New Year to anyone reading this!

I decided it would be a great idea to show what has been influential so far in developing my ideas.

The first book is called Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense: A Pop-Up Book. I loved analysing this book as the pop-ups were amazing to look at and inspired me to be creative with my pages. Below are a few examples of the pages:

The second book is Hot Jazz Special. Despite the lack of pop-ups, I was still enthralled reading the book as the visuals are superb and capture the passion and spirit of jazz music. 

The final book I analysed was Shoe Love: In Pop-Up. I was surprised in a good way by the pop-up features as they were different to other ones and the author adapted the shoes very well into a visual that would gain the reader's attention. The book has also made me think about how to combine my stories and pop-ups together that link well, instead of just putting pop-ups in for the sake of it.  

Overall, I found these books to be very beneficial to my development and I will be posting more influences later next week. Back at uni tomorrow so I am interested to see how I will be taking my prototypes further. 


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